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search in city: Champaign
Companies USA Companies in the state of Illinois
Cataloxy Champaign...Companies in ChampaignBusiness ServicesHire and rental servicesHire and rental of industrial textilesMickeys Linen

Mickeys Linen, Champaign

city Champaign

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Mickey's Linen is a leading restaurant linen & uniform rental service distributor in Illinois. We supply your restaurant with tablecloths, linens, floormats, napkins, chef uniforms, aprons, restroom products and more. We launder your restaurant linens and deliver them right on time. Call us to start your program!

Linen Supply Service The Site manager of Mickeys Linen is Mike Bayler Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Servicing the midwest for over 85 years with linen & uniform rental programs.
Our Approach
Linen, general (hire/rental)
Retail trade, furniture, lighting equipment and other decorative articles

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Mickeys Linen in Champaign you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 221 Paul Ave
61822, Champaign, Illinois

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